Tag Archives: push-ups

P90X2 – Phase II and Kicking Cancer’s Butt

P90X2 – Phase II and Melanie Bowen

This month I feel like I’ve done pretty good in keeping up with Tony. My sets and reps are good. My form is king. My cardio is wayyy better and I’m attempting some of the challenging exercises since I feel like my core is stronger. I remember seeing the P90X2 previews and thinking, “That’s crazy!” when I saw the 4 medicine ball push-ups. Well, I guess it pays off to do Phase I that focuses on core strength. Now I see the benefits.

On a different note, a writer named Melanie Bowen contacted me this month and asked me for a favour. Melanie believes that there are “benefits of fitness and eating healthy during and after a diagnosis of any kind of cancer”. This is something very close to my family since we have a few of our family member who fought this nasty battle. Some were lucky to still be around and have changed their lives drastically – including me – to make sure we stay as healthy and strong as we can possibly be. Melanie asked me to post an article she wrote called Staying Fit for the Fight: How Fitness Can Help Cancer Patients. I’ll post it because I trully believe in fitness and all its positive benefits and because I know so many warriors battling cancer. Kick butt!!!

